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Finding the right contractor can be tough

In this economy, the "lowest bid" sometimes sneaks its way up the list of priorities to a spot where it does not really belong. We encourage prospective clients to consider these points when looking for the right contractor:

  • Is the contractor a certified lead renovator? Federal law requires any home built before 1978  to be tested for lead and specific procedures to be followed in the event of a positive test. We are lead certified. 


  • Does the contractor have the correct classification for the work being performed? The contractor is not the only one who can be in trouble for contracting outside of his or her classification. We are Class A (the highest)


  • Does the contractor have the proper Designation for the project? This is a misunderstood issue. Classes (A, B, C) specify dollar amounts for which a Contractor may contract with you to execute work. Designations refer to types of work for which the Contractor is qualified; it's more of a technical reference. We are BLD (Build), unlimited with respect to residential and light commercial work. 


  • Is the contractor charging the right price for the work? We all like the lowest price but a price too low can mean the contractor is working for wages, may be just staying ahead of bill collectors or could be experiencing other problematic financial issues.


    • Q. Why should this matter to you?

    • A. When the inevitable wrinkles occur (they do in any project, it's just part of remodeling), or if the contractor finds a more profitable opportunity, you may see him/her less and less as new opportunities to earn enough to stay afloat are sought and found. The right price is fair to all parties and enables a reliable contractor, operating properly and in compliance with local laws and business best practices to see your project through to a successful conclusion. Fair and equitable pricing elminates the unnecessary risk of you finding yourself with the disaster, frustration and embarrassment of your home left unfinished, unprotected, an insurance liability and/or, generally, a mess.


  • Is the contractor mature with adequate business experience? The more the contractor has a handle on how life really works for homeowners with family, budgets, work and businesses to which you must attend, your kids' concerts and sports, your dog, your own hobbies, etc, etc, etc, the greater likelihood that the project will be handled with a mature perspective. Everyone has experienced the guy or gal who has done something pretty dumb but thought they were doing you a big favor. And who wants to deal with that?

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